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A data-driven and user-centric experience that empowers Dispatchers to truly own their work.

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Auto-loaded, optimized schedule through dashboards powered by machine learning

Click each crew to scan their qualifications and understand the logic behind the model’s recommendations. A good starting point for schedulers to keep building on.

Prioritized work orders

Quickly review details for each work order, including high/medium/low priority color coding, and make simple adjustments for over and under capacity alerts.

Quick & simple real-time edits

Get an intuitive interaction with a seamless and streamlined user experience.

Drag and drop orders from the schedule using intuitive interaction to tweak jobs where needed.

Precise schedule management

Get granular information to assist scheduling management. For example, a user can even inspect the travel time between orders to precisely manage the schedule.

Flexible crew management

Get full flexibility in managing the crew data to meet users' daily needs.

A user can input crew preferences that carry through each week. They can also easily ungroup a crew, and even add exceptions for a crew member with different categories and events.

See solutions in action